Tableau Desktop Vs Tableau Server

Tableau Desktop:- All your development is done here. From creating reports, charts,

 formatting them, putting them together as a dashboard all the work is done on Tableau Desktop.

1.Data Source Connection
3.Analysis Process
4.Statistical Analytics
5.Visual Analytics
6.Designing, Creating, Publishing and Scheduling

Tableau Server:- The dashboards you create are shared with other users using Tableau Server. When you upload(publish) a Dashboard to Tableau Server from Tableau Desktop, other users can access those Dashboards by logging on Tableau Server.

1.Data Source, Sheets/Workbook Management (Content)
2.User Management
3.Performance Management (Load balancing, Server Management)
4.Scheduling Activities

What is the difference between core-based and user-based licenses
1 User-Based Server License:  If your Server Software license is designated as User-Based, the Named Authorized Users enabled to use such Server Software must not exceed the number of licenses purchased on the Invoice or specified at the time of purchase.   
2 Core-Based Server License: If your Server Software license is designated on the applicable Invoice or at the time of purchase as Core-based, for each such license, an unlimited number of Named Authorized Users may use the Server Software, provided that the total number of Cores residing on all computers where the Server Software is installed does not exceed the permitted number of Cores identified on your Invoice or at the time of purchase.  When the Server Software is installed and distributed across multiple computers, all the Cores in each of these computers count toward to the total number of Cores licensed  by you and indentified on your Invoice or at the time of purchase.  "Core" means the processor or execution core contained in the same integrated circuit within a computer’s central processing unit, whether such Cores are virtual or physical


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